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Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha And Muharat in English

Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha And Muhrat in English: Karva Chauth, a cherished Hindu tradition, signifies profound devotion. Married women fast without water from sunrise until they spot the moon, praying for their husbands’ well-being.

The day involves worshipping Karva Mata and Shiva Parvati, followed by narrating the Karva Chauth story. This ritual mirrors deep love and commitment, showcasing a woman’s enduring sacrifice for her family.

The tradition embodies faith and highlights the enduring bond between spouses. Exploring its story offers cultural insight, emphasizing the power of love and selfless devotion in Hindu culture.

Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha: Once, in a family of a moneylender, there lived a beloved daughter among seven sons. The siblings shared a close bond, often dining together. On one Kartik Chauth day, the sister observed the Karva Chauth fast.

When dinner time arrived, her brothers, concerned for her, urged her to eat. However, their wise mother intervened, reminding them of the fast. Unable to see their sister hungry, the brothers devised a clever plan.

They lit a fire in the forest and mimicked the moon using a sieve. Believing it was the moonrise, the sister broke her fast, calling her sisters-in-law to join her in the meal.

Upon hearing her sister-in-law’s explanation, the young woman offered Arghya, thinking the faux moon was the real one. As she began her meal, unusual events unfolded. When she broke the first piece of food, a strand of hair appeared; with the second, she sneezed unexpectedly.

Then, breaking the third piece, they received a summons from the king’s palace – the king’s son was ill, and they needed the girl’s presence urgently. In the rush, the mother opened the box thrice for the girl to change. Strangely, every time, white clothes emerged, adding an air of mystery to the unfolding events.

Dressed in elegant white attire, she embarked on her journey to her in-laws’ home. Her thoughtful mother had placed a gold coin in her traditional palla, advising her to seek blessings from anyone she met. If blessed for a happy marriage, she was to gift the gold coin and secure her palla with a knot.

As she traveled, she greeted everyone with warmth, longing for their blessings. Yet, no one offered the desired words of blessing. Finally, upon reaching her in-laws’ house, her younger sister-in-law stood at the door, eagerly awaiting her arrival.

As she bowed before her brother-in-law, he praised her virtues, acknowledging her as an honorable member of their family. He urged her to witness her brother’s happiness, and with that, he accepted the gold coin and secured her palla with a knot.

Upon entering, she discovered her husband lying lifeless. Overwhelmed with grief, she stayed by his side, attending to him day and night. For a whole year, she served him dutifully. Her mother-in-law, in a gesture of care, sent her leftover food through a maid.

A year passed, and Karva Chauth, the day of the fast, arrived again. The entire neighborhood prepared for the occasion, taking baths, observing the fast, and adorning themselves with henna and bangles. Amidst these festivities, she observed quietly, her heart heavy with the memory of her lost love.

Upon a neighbor’s suggestion, she hesitated but was reassured that all would be well with the grace of Chauth Mata. Encouraged, she observed the Karva Chauth fast. Later, the sellers came, urging her to purchase their wares. Polite yet firm, she told them her other sisters would handle it.

Five sisters approached, but none agreed to the task. The sixth sister, however, devised a plan. She instructed them to strew thorns along the path. When the seventh sister, who was known for her kindness, would step on a thorn and cry out, they were to rush to her aid. As they pulled out the thorn, they were to ask her for the blessing. Once she blessed them, they could request her to buy the karva. This cunning plan was their best chance to convince her.

Upon the sixth sister’s advice, they planted thorns along the path. When the seventh sister, holding the curry, shrieked in pain after stepping on a thorn, they rushed to her aid. Removing the thorn, they asked for her blessing, and she willingly blessed them. However, when they requested some food, she felt cheated and demanded the tax. Undeterred, they accepted the curry and proceeded with the Uzman ceremony, keeping a fast for her husband’s well-being.

Karwa Chauth vrat katha

After her devoted service, the king’s son recovered, amazed at the passage of time. She revealed her year-long vigil, having not slept. Grateful, he performed the Ujaman ceremony for Chauth Mata. Listening to the story of Chauth Mata, he duly completed the ritual. Later, they engaged in a game of Chaupar. Meanwhile, the maid arrived with oil and jaggery, witnessing their joyous play. She hurried to inform her mother-in-law about the lively atmosphere in the palace.

Upon learning that her daughter-in-law was playing Chaupar, the mother-in-law went to witness the scene. Overjoyed, she received a foot massage from her daughter-in-law, who shared the entire story. Touched by her devotion, the mother-in-law urged her to speak the truth.

After hearing the tale, the king declared that all sisters in the city must observe the Karva Chauth fast for their husbands’ safety. He instructed them to offer Karva at their designated time, ensuring the tradition continued.

Oh, Chauth Mata! Just as you devoted your life to the king’s son, bless us to give our all for someone too.

Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha And Muharat Process

While listening to the story, take some rice in a bowl. As you offer Arghya to the moon, repeat these words seven times:

Oh Chandrawali, Chanda has come to the bar, get up and give the water to the bride, I was sitting waiting.

Why is your bracelet, why is your necklace, my gold bracelet is Jagmotian’s necklace. Where does your stone settle, where does your in-laws settle, my stone under the mango, my in-laws settle under the neem.

karva chauth Ujaman

To perform the Karva Chauth Ujaman ritual, place four puris and a bit of seera in 13 different spots on a plate. Add a saree, blouse, and any desired amount of money on top. Surround the plate with Roli and rice, then present it to others as you please. Following this, offer food to 13 Brahmins and bid them farewell with offerings of Dakshina and Bindi

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